We believe marriage is a gift from God and that getting married is a beautiful, personal, and spiritual commitment. We would love to help you make your wedding day as memorable as possible.

Your wedding day is likely to be one of the happiest and most memorable events of your life and in the lives of your family and friends. We would be delighted if you chose to hold your marriage ceremony in one of our churches, and we will do everything we can to make your wedding as special as possible.
Getting married in either St. David's or St. Barnabas, will not only ensure that your ceremony takes place in a beautiful and distinctive setting, but also that that your marriage ceremony is full of depth and spirituality. As part of the marriage service, we will ask God to bless and guide you as you begin your married life, and we’ll pray that God will accompany you on your journey through life together.
Our vicar and team will spend time getting to know you ahead of your big day so that they can help make your marriage celebration unique to you. There are lots of ways to do that, with a wide variety of prayers, readings, hymns, songs, and music, not to mention decor to choose from, you can also add some additional words and promises to share with one another if you choose to.
Thank you for considering us as you prepare for your special day. We pray that it will be everything you hope for.
You can contact Vicar Belinda on 01443 286674 or
email BelindaHuxtable-Goy@cinw.org.uk
email BelindaHuxtable-Goy@cinw.org.uk
You can contact the Llan Ministry Area Office on 01443 239058 or
email llanoffice@llan.org.uk
email llanoffice@llan.org.uk