As well as a christening, there is a special, simple service of thanksgiving, which is a lovely time when you can be with friends and family, ask for God’s blessing, and pray for your baby. It’s different from a christening, so read on to discover whether this is something you may wish to explore with us.

Thanksgiving services are a special church service, different from a christening, it can be used as a way to say thank you to God for your child and to express and acknowledge the wonder of new life.
It’s possible to have this service instead of a christening if you decide that now isn’t the right time to have your child christened/baptised. Or, you could even have the Thanksgiving service as well as a christening.
You might also choose this service when your baby is just born, or if you have adopted a child into your family and you simply want to celebrate this with special words said by a vicar in church.
Whatever the reason, Vicar Belinda and the team will be delighted to talk to you about this service.
We offer help in planning and are here to support you in making decisions and making choices that are right for you, so get in touch!
You can contact Vicar Belinda on 01443 286674 or
You can contact the Llan Ministry Area Office on 01443 239058 or