We offer memorial services, which are services that honours your loved one after their body has been buried or cremated, to celebrate and give thanks for your loved one's life and the memories you hold.
Memorial services can be held at any time and in a variety of locations that are fitting and meaningful to the family.
The service can include music, poetry, prayers, and sharing memories in the form of a tribute led by our Vicar, Belinda.
You can contact Vicar Belinda on 01443 286674 or
email BelindaHuxtable-Goy@cinw.org.uk
email BelindaHuxtable-Goy@cinw.org.uk
You can contact the Llan Ministry Area Office on 01443 239058 or
email llanoffice@llan.org.uk
email llanoffice@llan.org.uk